The never-ending presidential campaign to follow George W. Bush has finally come to an end, with the official turnover of the Presidency of the Unites States of America to Barack Obama on January 20th.
By all accounts, the Bush Administration was gracious and helpful in the transition since Obama's historic win in November that made him the first African-American President, even with all of the awful caricatures and attacks that Obama made through the long, tough campaign. It was sad to hear the crowd's response to President Bush's name being announced at the inauguration, but President Bush took it like he has so much bashing for years now, with grace.
I did not support now President Obama in the election over many issues of political policy and personal policy, as was evidenced in his appearance with Rick Warren back at the Saddleback event with John McCain.
I hope his presidency will bring an end to many of the issues of race that have divided many for so long and take the country to higher standards, but do not believe it can be done by increasing government control over too many issues.