Sean Penn was great at "Jeff Spiccoli" in Fast Times at Ridgemont High in the 80's. Back then he was easy to like because we didn't know anything about him.
In the 21st century he is self-admittedly easy to not like because of his anti-American alliances with foreign leaders, his spousal abuse allegations and other rants against God-fearing Americans.
Last night's star-studded Academy Awards didn't seem to reflect the struggling economy or concern for global warming, but before it was all over, Penn made his "Best Actor in a Leading Role" Oscar speech political. Not that the award itself wasn't a political statement by The Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences against Mickey Rourke's recent and decent comments about President Bush or Sean Penn's portrayal of a gay character. Funny how the best movies (Brokeback Mountain), directors and characters are about homosexuals. No, no agenda there.
Glad Sean Penn remembered Mickey and is his brother, but gave no mention of his wife in his speech that spoke of the shame that proponents of California's gay-marriage ban should have. He was speaking to the majority of Californians and Americans that think differently than he does.
He is also glad that this country elected an "elegant" man. Has America never had an elegant man as president before?