The 200th birthdays of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were celebrated last week, which is ironic that two men who greatly changed the world in dramatically different ways, were born on the same day.
Abraham Lincoln is considered to be one of the greatest U.S. Presidents because of his successful efforts to free men, women and children from slavery, culminating in the Emancipation Proclamation and giving America a chance to live up to the ideals that all men are created equal.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution did just the opposite. Darwin's theory put black people at a closer evolutionary step to apes and it is in the title of his book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". His theory has fallen apart with the increase in knowledge of biology and the complexity of all pieces of life.
This week a pet chimpanzee attacked its owner and bit the hands off of a neighbor trying to help. The news reporters are calling it a "wild animal". It's too bad this pre-human couldn't evolve fast enough to fit into society better. I always wonder why there aren't any apes deciding to move out of the jungle and get up on their hind legs and walk out? Or why don't some fish take a look out on dry land anymore and sprout some legs to check things out? Where are the transitional creatures that are changing from one species to another? Surely evolution hasn't stopped and don't tell me it takes so long to make that change that we can't see it happening during our short life spans. No, there should be more transitional creatures all over the world and in the seas than are finished works. Not one speck of fossil record to help with that "theory of evolution", thank God.
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