President Barack Obama made his much anticipated graduation speech at Notre Dame on Sunday to much fanfare. There was also much prayer. Much of the prayer was outside of the commencement as students and other protesters of Obama's presence took their troubles to the creator of all life, supposedly the one that Obama also prays to.
Obama acknowledged that the two sides of the abortion debate are irreconcilable, but people should avoid "demonizing" others for their personal beliefs or values. This comes from the guy that told Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church last summer that knowing when a baby got human rights was "above my paygrade".
If abortion is the killing of a human baby, then it is a hard task not to demonize those who think that it is a woman's right to kill that baby at any time. Many proponents of abortion argue a timeline for acceptability, breaking it down by trimesters or by viability of the fetus. There is no magic day in the baby's life in the womb when it becomes a human baby. One day it isn't worthy of life and the next day it is, is certainly irreconcilable in every human's mind, no matter how badly you want to be pro-choice.
This president stood up in the Illinois Senate and argued that a baby born alive after an abortion couldn't kill it, should still be murdered because that was the intent going in and would put an undue burden on the mother and doctor.
No, there is no way to philosophical reconcile these two opposing views to the sanctity of life and really impossible to reason respectfully when there is so much disrespect to life itself.
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