The historic presidency of Barack Obama has reached its 100th day! His administration started as historic because of the color of his skin, but has become historic for all the wrong reasons, of which there are so many we won't be able to log all of them here.
In only his third day in office, the Christian president made federal funding available to help pay for international abortions. Who needs a defense budget if you can get other countries to kill their own future soldiers, right?
He reversed the former administrations policy on human embryo testing very quickly as well. This and other human life "obamanations" has caused a major protest at Notre Dame, as he has been invited to speak at graduation and receive an honorary doctorate degree.
Barack Obama talks about global warming and reducing carbon outputs, but has spent more time logging miles on his jumbo jet than any president in history in such a short time. Don't forget, he took a cross-country jaunt to spend a few minutes on Jay Leno's couch (he threw in a speech or two to justify the trip).
B.O. spent a long week in Europe telling the world how many mistakes the United States of America has made and how arrogant it has been in the past.
He has spent more money than any other in human history to gain more control over the private sector than ever in U.S. history.
He has broken multiple campaign promises over transparency. He said he would allow the public to view new laws and policies before signing anything. He lied. He said he would go line by line through everything, cutting out wasteful spending. He lied.
Barack Obama has had multiple international incidents in which he made mistakes, but tried to cover them up with lies. None was more blatant than a bow to the Saudi king. His people said he did everything in the world but bow. Don't insult our intelligence anymore please. North Korea test-launched a long range missile with no ramifications.
B.O. hasn't filled top administration positions (Health & Human Services, CDC, Treasury) with a flu pandemic on the way, economic crises, immigration border violence and other issues, but since all of his appointments are tax cheaters, no one that he believes is qualified is qualified.
Those are the accomplishments of B.O. in his first 100 days and those are just off the top of my head.
Boy, can't wait for the next 100, its been quite a rollercoaster.